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Local lass cleans beaches

Mt Edgecombe resident, Jacqui Le Roux, has initiated an effort to eradicate litter on the KZN beaches. She hopes to rally a monthly clean-up.

DESPITE battling cancer Mt Edgecombe resident, Jacqui Le Roux has been dedicating her time and effort to the environment through her Beach Clean-Up KwaZulu-Natal initiative.

Le Roux’s cancer is currently in remission and last week she told the Northglen News that her mission began during her morning runs along the beach. “There have always been beer bottles smashed on the rocks, fishing lines and other rubbish littering the beach, so I began taking bags with me and would clean up along my route. I thought that if one person started doing it, the rest will follow,” she said.

In an attempt to rally more support the 29-year-old later started a Facebook page. However, work and lack of community interest soon took their toll on the initiative and the efforts died down. “I carried on doing the beach clean-up every time I was on the beach, picking up as I walked. It’s a habit. I always have rubbish bags in my boot. I find it sad that we as humans are destroying our environment. It is free for everyone to enjoy and I believe that we must all spare some time to ensure that it is looked after,” she said.

Recently the initiative found a new lease on life as Miss Earth South Africa regional finalist and the Durban High School’s first water polo team have offered to back the initiative’s latest clean-up.

Residents are urged to volunteer their support for the clean-up on 20 June at the Umgeni River Greenhub from 9am to 12.30pm. Take along a hat and gumboots. Rubbish bags, gloves and water will be supplied (take extra gloves and water in case they run out).

“I never really thought of doing it full steam, until Miss Earth asked me when my next clean-up would be and if they could join. I always wanted to grow the initiative and saw this is a golden opportunity. I would like to take the first Saturday of each month and target a certain beach – people are free to post on my page with photos where they think it’s needed most and we can start arranging for that area,” she said.

The Miss Earth South Africa programme is focused on developing young women through the vehicle of environmental education.
It is a leadership initiative that aims to empower young South African women with the knowledge and platform to create a sustainable difference in our plight to combat the destruction of our natural heritage. The objective is to create an awareness of; sustainable development, our environment, wildlife and the conservation of our fauna and flora in South Africa, and ultimately the preservation of Mother Earth.

Contact Jacqui Le Roux on 083 770 3840 or visit the Facebook page.


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