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Animal rescuers appeal for help

Animal organisation appeals to local residents to help with funding as well as dog and cat food.

THE township of Ekumanazeni in Inanda is well known for dogs running through the houses, some afraid, some hungry, some abused, but all of them in need of help. That’s exactly what Robert Musawenkosi (53) and his cousin Ezra Shabalala (51) have done.

The duo set up the Musawenkosi Animal Care organisation which aims to help and protect dogs and cats, as well as sterilise them, and keep them in the organisation’s nursery while seeking to place them in new homes.

While the organisation have no set parameters in which to help animals, they rescue animals from Inanda, Verulam and other metropolitan areas.

Robert who worked previously with the Animal Anti-Cruelty League (AACL) said as a child growing up, he never really cared about animals.

“I was never mean to them but I didn’t think of them as needing love, affection and help. It took time with the AACL to make me realise that these animals hurt and have emotions like me. It helped me realise my calling and help animals in distress. Ekumanazeni has hundreds dogs and cats running around, and I saw a need to help my own community by giving back to them.

“We recently rescued a dog that was shunned by his owners. He was chased away every time he came near the house and had a suppurating wound around his neck from illegal chaining. It breaks my heart to see animals in distress like this and this is one of many cases in the townships. So now we are teaching people what to feed their pets and how to look after and care for them. We decided to build a shelter and currently have eight kennels but at the moment we are struggling with funds to feed and care for the animals,” Robert explained.

His cousin Ezra echoed Robert’s thoughts saying animals needed humans to fight their cause.

“Animals, can’t talk so we need to help them and fight for their rights. As animal rescuers we see some terrible things but we can’t let our faith in humanity wane, we have to keep pushing on.

“However, at the moment, we are using an old bakkie to save and transport rescued cats and dogs and we are appealing to the community for help. Ashburne Vet helps us with our sterilisation process but we need help,” Ezra said.

  • If you can help the organisation with dog/cat food or any funding, contact Robert Musawenkosi on 072 365 8794.

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