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UIP plans proposed for uMgeni Park

Complaints regarding several dilapidated spaced in uMgeni park has prompted authorities to explore the possibility of setting up a UIP in the area.

FOLLOWING a recent increase in complaints regarding several dilapidated spaces in the uMgeni Park area, local authorities are joining forces to initiate an urban improvement precinct to battle the neglect.

“There is a high volume of people moving in and out of the area along Mount Argus, Buttery Road and Manilla Place, which have caused concern among the residents,” said Brian Daish, the chairman of the Umgeni Park Neighbourhood Watch. The greatest concern is that criminals could use the areas as a getaway routes.

According to Keith Smith, a local resident, vagrants have also set up camp between the vegetation, especially along Buttery Road. “They sleep and hide within the vines and bushes. At the top of Mount Argus there is also a spot where the criminals strip the stolen copper wires,” he said.

Domestic workers fear walking along Buttery Road as they have, on several occasions, been attacked and robbed by the vagrants.

What’s more, Daish said residents were tired of the eyesore created by the broken fences, uncut vegetation, litter and rubble dominating the spaces.

“The aim is initiate a proactive approach. We want a service whereby we actively undertake root analysis of problems and begin systematically tackling each issue until resolved. The challenge, as always, is how to curb the crime and displace it to other areas, making it highly undesirable for criminals to enter Umgeni Park,” he said.

It has been proposed that the area receive a dedicated security management service with two under cover special operations operatives, an operational community manager and a local expert, security expert, and communications person dedicated to Umgeni Park. The cost of the service is R175 per month per household, requiring a minimum of 350 participating members. Pensioners receive the service for R50 a month and students for R125 per month.

“The parks department do not have the resources to maintain the area. There is a lot of red tape and bureaucracy that often hinders progress. If we had a UIP set up we could attend to small issues immediately. There would be not time wasted on lodging telephonic or electronic complaints,” explained Daish.

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