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Sex pervert targets local job seekers

Man posing as potential employer asks invasive and perverse questions of job seekers.

A MAN is targeting job seekers, particularly women on business social networking services.  Now the victims have taken to social media and the  website Report a Crime, labelling him a “pervert” and a “creep”.

Operating under various aliases, the women say that the man claims to represent a shop specialising in intimate female products ranging from lingerie to sex toys. The women have been targeted on LinkedIn, Bizcommunuity, the Southern African Freelancers’ Association (SAFREA) and Gumtree.

He starts off by asking woman about lingerie before being more invasive and asking arbitrary and perverse questions like whether they masturbate. The women have reported that the man says he works for a UK womens’ retailer launching to South Africa.

Local resident Lauren Anthony, who was contacted by the man under the alias ‘Brett McLeod’, said she had already been warned about him but that it wasn’t until he began asking her if she wanted to write reviews for intimate female products and lingerie.

“He then told me that there was a plan to open shops at the V&A waterfront and Gateway.  He seemed quite relentless. I said I wasn’t interested and he asked if this was something I normally wouldn’t do. When I asked for his name again, he backed off and abruptly cut the call. It’s like he was working his way up to asking more violating questions like he has done with other women,” she said.



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