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Autistic eMdloti boy’s petition goes viral

Shelley Ann Foot from eMdloti had high hopes for her autistic son's well being when she came across the benefits of using a therapy dog, but her hopes were soon dashed when her body corporate refused that she keep a therapy dog at her apartment.

AN eMdloti mother’s frustration at not being allowed to keep a dog that would help her autistic son cope has caught the attention of sympathizers. They have started a petition that has gone viral in an effort to help Shelley Ann  Foot, who rents an apartment in Bellamont Gardens in eMdloti.

She told the Northglen News that although the petition was not legally binding, she was happy to see public support for her cause.

Her matter hit the spotlight when she went to the Equality High Court after the board of trustees and the body corporate of Bellamont Gardens refused her application to keep a therapy dog for her seven-year-old autistic son, Conrad.

Foot, who resigned from her job as a reflexologist and meridian therapist to take care of Conrad full time, said she came across information that the South African Guide Dog Association trains dogs to help people with disabilities.

After researching the use of a therapy dog to assist Conrad, Foot asked her landlord’s permission to have a pet, who advised her that she had to get permission from the complex’s board of trustees – they refused.

“Guide dogs assist by bringing down a child’s anxiety levels, prevents meltdowns and keeps a child from wandering off,” she said.

A furious Foot added: “On 16 April 2014 I asked for permission, in writing, for keeping a therapeutic dog. On 5 May 2014 I was advised by my landlord that the board of trustees refused my request. The next day I was informed of the same by North Coast Property Management.”

The property management company said yesterday that they would meet with their attorneys today to discuss Foot’s application.

To sign the petition, click here.

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  1. Much as i can understand this lady’s passion for getting a dog for her son, complex rules are there for a reason. If this lady had read the rules before she signed her rental agreement, which should be a requirement, she would have seen the no pets allowed rule and could have looked for a pet friendly complex. Instead of making such a fuss, wouldn’t it be simpler to move to a complex that allows dogs? Just saying…..

  2. Is no-one thinking about this poor dog. The dog she is wanting to get is a Labrador. I live in the complex and am an owner. We do not have huge pieces of grass in front of our units. She would need to enclose the piece if front of her RENTED unit to keep this dog. Labradors are big dogs how cruel to let an animal of this size live in such a small space. Secondly when this lady moved in she signed the rules and regulations agreeing to abide by them!!! Thirdly rules are there for a reason and TENANTS do not have rights. You don’t pay the levies, you don’t pay for the up keep you are renting someone else’s property it is NOT yours. If she wants a dog move into a house. I will personally call the SPCA to come and inspect the property should be finally get her way. It will be classed as animal abuse. Shame on you Shelley for only thinking of yourself and your son. You have not taken the animals welfare into consideration at all. If you have so much money to hire a lawyer why don’t you put it to good use and move out.

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