Editor's note

What a wonderful world it could be

If we all gave 67 minutes of our time, all year round, the world would be a much better place.

IT’S that time of the year again when not only South Africans but people from around the world set about giving 67 minutes of their time in support of Nelson Mandela Day. A beautiful initiative.

On 18 July this year the renowned statesman would have celebrated his 96th birthday and the idea arose when he turned 90 for people everywhere to donate 67 minutes of their time to a worthy cause  But how much better it would be if we could give 67 minutes of our time all year round. Often times we get caught up in such initiatives and yet never think what a difference our small contribution could make in the lives those who need it the most.

With that being said we must not forget the work of those organisations who are committed to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate – everyday, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In Durban North one such organisation is the Domino Foundation. Headed by one Mickey Wilkins who when speaking to the Northglen News about the organisation exuded so much passion. One could mistake the Domino Foundation as his personal business and not a non-profit organisation. But Mickey and the team at the Domino Foundation are all about making a difference in the lives of others.

Then there is LIV Village that has its head office in uMhlanga Rocks and provides holistic residential care for orphaned and vulnerable children to rescue a child, restore a life, raise a leader, and release a star. The village itself is situated in Amoati.

The Hospice is another such organisation that is an year round 67 minute organisation. Their aim is to promote quality in life, dignity in death and support in bereavement for all living with a life-threatening illness by supporting member hospices and partner organisations.

There are thousands more. Lets us learn from them.

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