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Armed robbers storm popular Glenashley restaurant

One of the suspects was later arrested and found with a licensed firearm and envelopes of cash.

AN armed man who robbed the popular Mamma Luciana’s restaurant at Glenore Centre in Glenashley less than an hour ago is still on the loose. The suspect acting in tandem with an accomplice stormed the restaurant early this morning demanding cash.

His accomplice was spotted by a Blue Security guard outside Glenashley Primary School just metres up the road from the centre as he attempted to nonchalantly walk away.

According to Hayden Searles chairman of the Durban North/uMhlanga CPF, the suspect was spotted by a Blue Security patrol guard.

“A scuffle ensued and the suspect attempted to pull out a handgun, which was later found to be licensed to him. The suspect was eventually subdued with six members pinning him to the ground. He was also found with envelopes of cash. Thankfully no one was injured with the security guard suffering minor cuts and bruises on his hands”

Initial reports said shots were fired but police have confirmed there was no shootout.

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  1. We watched people steeling the copper power cables outside our house at 5 on Monday morning when I shouted at the guy on top of the pole while he was cutting the cables he replied I’ll shoot you and within minutes slid down the pole his 2 accomplisses grabed the cables and dissappeared into the bush they just dont care and just what they want this took place in jim fouche drive within 200m of the police station

  2. I think that although there ARE so many fabulous policemen, there are just as many lazy, crooked, embarrassingly, shameful and weak pathetic lowlife cops out there too.
    How do we combat crime when our ‘supposed to be’ model citizens/cops are weak???
    If the law protected the innocent MORE!!!! and not wade SLOOOOWLY thru the crazy amount of red tape that cares for the human rights of the THOUSANDS of WRONG doers.
    Start with the top!!!!
    How on earth can there be people in prison for stealing a pie or a chocolate when our own government have STOLEN ..lets get honest here…its the TRUTH!!!!!..STOLEN…millions from hard working tax payers.
    Get some balls here…THROW THEM IN PRISON.
    Whats good for one MUST be good for another.
    Thieves and rapists??
    Thieves caught .. should be flogged and jailed chopchop.
    Rapists must be branded with gigantic ‘R’ on their face..jailed for life.
    The prisons should have farms…prisoners work on farms to grow food for the many orphanages that are so on the increase.
    No Television or libraries in prisons..
    Its punishment.
    LASTLY!!!!!….Make learning subjects at school..teach children from young that cruelty to humans and animals, stealing etcetc is WRONG..and having many children that you cannot feed is WRONG.
    HIV is RIFE …WHY????
    You know the answer.
    Stop screwing around..Stop spreading this sad sickness.
    For Goodness Sake!!

  3. This is so shocking i cannot believe what is happening in this country. We are dying like flies . IS THIS GOING TO BE THE SECOND REWANDA. I THINK SO MARKED MY WORDS.!!!!!!!!!!!

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