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New addition to park to boost tourism

UIP say it hopes the new jungle gym installed at Durban View Park in uMhlanga will be a catalyst for new ventures.

THE addition of a jungle gym to the Durban View Park in uMhlanga will be a welcomed boost to tourism in the area. That’s according to uMhlanga Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP) project leader Brian Wright. Recognising the importance of utilising public open spaces to their fullest, the UIP motivated the project to the eThekwini Municipality who made budget available and installed the jungle gym earlier this month.

“uMhlanga has always had so much to offer but we felt the area needed some diversity. The jungle gym is about providing that, and there’s no better answer than a children’s playground.

Wright said he hoped the jungle gym would be a catalyst for new ventures. “We’ve had a positive experience from families in the uMhlanga area and from visitors to the park,” he enthused.

He added the decision to have the structure made out of wood was a conscious one. “Being so close to the sea, rust is a huge factor. Wood is easily maintainable and this will ensure the infrastructure isn’t damaged easily,” Wright explained.

“The UIP would like to extend a huge thank-you to the municipal officials who responded to the motivation and got stuck in to install the jungle gym.”

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