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Doing it for Jed

Local mom to run Ironman race in memory of her son who died a few years ago from brain cancer.

A DURBAN North mother who lost her son to cancer, is running the Ironman 70.3 race to help the raise awareness and much needed cash for childhood cancer organisation, Rainbows and Smiles.

Bonita Suckling lost her son Jed a few years ago to brain cancer and is using his inspiration and strength to complete the three pronged race made up of a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and a 42.2km run.

In August 2008, two months before his fourth birthday, Jed, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour. He had major brain operations, 35 sessions of radiation, and was on experimental chemo from the date of his diagnoses.

After a courageous fight of almost three years, Jed passed away in his mother’s arms at the age of six years, eight months and eight days.

“Jed was a true warrior and had such a passion for life. A little man wiser than his years and his utmost delight was seeing a smile on my face. He would spend ages telling me little jokes that he would make up. I miss him so much. Every day since his passing has became a challenge to survive with the most incredible heart ache.

“The last sentence that Jed spoke was ‘mommy let’s make today the funnest day ever.’ His big blue eyes looking into mine; when my son spoke those words he could no longer use his legs or arms and could only lie paralyzed due to the rapid spread of his brain cancer. I had that last sentence tattooed on my body to remind myself to ‘live like Jed’ did and to cherish every moment of the life we are given.

Bonita said after Jed passed away, a large part of her died with him.

“During one of my darkest moments, six months ago, I watched the Team Hoyt story on YouTube about a father that takes on the world’s biggest triathlon with his quadriplegic son, Rich Hoyt. I began to feel a mammoth connection to the father and son. My son wasn’t physically with me but I could carry him with me in my heart. Jed was physically paralyzed, blind and mute when he passed away but his smile never fade, and so my journey of discovery began, turning my negative energy, pain and hurt into something powerful.

“Ironman 2014 is not about completing a sports event, it’s about finding a reason to live; it’s about showing the world that there is life after losing your only child; and most importantly it is in memory of my best friend, Jed Brady Suckling,” she said.

Bonita has set up a backabuddy page: to raise funds for children fighting cancer for a local KZN foundation, Rainbows and Smiles.

For more info visit www.backabuddy.co.za/champion/project/bonita-ironman-cojedmatters

Jed Brady Suckling
Jed Brady Suckling



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