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Lifeprep College launches in Glen Anil

The LifePrep College has officially been launched in Durban North.

THE LifePrep College has officially been launched in Durban North.

LifePrep College, a private further education and training (FET) college, strives to be an autonomous institution that provides meaningful, quality education and training, leading to lifelong learning.

The college will focus primarily on vocational education and training.

LifePrep College is also committed to pioneering education and training at this level for students who experience barriers to learning (more commonly known as having a learning disability). Research has shown that a learning disability cannot be cured or fixed, it is a lifelong condition.

However, LifePrep College believes that with the right support and intervention, students experiencing a particular barrier to learning can succeed and be

competitive in the labour market.

The college operates within a Christian ethos, but admission to the school is open to all students, irrespective of religion.

The college, from January 2014, offers accredited courses in engineering, hospitality, early childhood development, professional secretarial skills, reception, operations and services skills, information technology, food and beverage service, sugar art workshops and cake decorating, DIY handyman skills and fashion design.

Speaking at the launch, the college’s principal, Krige Steyn, said the college hopes to give young people the opportunity to find their purpose in life and learn skills.

He thanked everyone involved in getting the college up an running.

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