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Champion blood donor donates 300 times

The milestone donor plans on donating blood as long as his health allows him to.

DONATING blood 300 times is not something one comes across every day, but uMhlanga resident Peter Naude reached this milestone last week and plans to keep donating for as long as he physically can.

Naude, who is now 84 years old and as fit as ever, made his first blood donation at the age of 17 during a blood drive held at his work premises and has never missed an appointment.

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“When I made my first donation, I just knew that it would save a life, and I thought it was a good deed to do. As time went on and I made more donations, I learnt about the facts of donating blood and that each time I donated, I was saving up to three lives. This motivated me to persevere,” he said.

Naude’s blood type is O-positive, meaning that his blood is compatible with any blood type provided that it is in the positive category. This means that A-positive, B-positive, AB-positive, and of course other O-positives can receive this type of blood.

Naude, however, can only receive blood transfusions from other O-positives or O-negative donors.

“I have been coming to the Durban North donor centre for more than 20 years and have never missed an appointment. Many people are still afraid to donate blood, but I assure you that it’s a simple, painless procedure. The staff are wonderful and friendly, and it leaves you feeling fulfilled after each donation, knowing that you are saving three lives each time,” said Naude.

Due to Naude’s age, he is required to visit a doctor every two years to get the go-ahead that he is still able to donate blood.

“So far, so good. I have been blessed with good health, and I will keep donating blood for as long as I am able to.
I keep fit by playing tennis, helping my wife in the garden and going for walks. I’m always on the go,¨ he added.
He encouraged everyone who is not a blood donor to become one if they meet the requirements.

“Not many people want to donate blood for various reasons, but I encourage each one to try to experience it for themselves before they make the decision that they won’t,” said Naude.

Speaking about donating blood for the 300th time, Naude said he was elated.

“It really feels good being a part of such a good cause. I am blessed with good health, and I am so grateful for that,” he added.

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