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Petrol attendants nabbed in uMhlanga for drugs

Two other suspects were also arrested in the bust and drugs and cash to the amount of R394 380 were seized.

POLICE Crime Intelligence along with Durban North SAPS crime prevention team arrested four suspects for dealing drugs after an intelligence driven operation in uMhlanga at the weekend. According to Capt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the Durban North SAPS, two of the suspects were petrol attendants at an uMhlanga service station.

“The petrol attendants were selling dagga from the garage. Both of the men were charged with possession of dagga and dealing. The first suspect was in possession of 40 pre-packed packets of dagga and 128g loose dagga while the second suspect was found in possession of 26 pre-packed packets of dagga and 112g loose dagga,” he said.

Police also found packets of CAT as well as ecstasy in the operation. In all the street value of the seized drugs amounted to R10 400.

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“We also arrested a suspect who was delivering drugs to the attendants. He was found in possession of dagga and was charged with possession and dealing of drugs,” he said.

The fourth and final suspect was arrested in Mangweni, Inanda.

“Information led to the main dealer of the drugs. He was arrested and charged for possession and dealing in drugs. The suspect’s house was searched and AAA grade dagga to the amount of 28.5kg was seized with an estimated street value of R350 000,” he said.

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Cash to the amount of R44 380 was also found.

“Further investigations found the dagga comes into the country via Swaziland and is being transported by truck. Our investigations are continuing,” he said.


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