
Glenashley homeowner assaulted in robbery

The suspects are still at large.

A GLENASHLEY homeowner was assaulted by a gang of suspects in a home invasion on Thursday night.

According to Capt Raymond Deoakran, Durban North SAPS spokesman, the incident occurred at about 7.50pm on Burne Crescent.

“The homeowner was in the bathroom when she heard a noise at the front door which triggered the alarm. When she went to investigate she was confronted by three men, one of whom was armed with a handgun. He pointed the firearm at her head and ordered her to disarm the alarm. The suspect then pistol whipped the homeowner and pulled her engagement ring off her finger.”

“While one of the suspects watched over the homeowner, his accomplices ransacked the lounge. They fled in a getaway vehicle with a television, cash, two handbags, cellphones and a television. A case of robbery has been opened at the station and the Durban North/uMhlanga Crisis Team were in attendance,” he said.

Read also: Man’s found off uMhlanga beach shoreline

The incident follows a home invasion in Maple Close (Prestondale) on Saturday where the homeowner was tied-up by the suspects.

Two of the most serious home invasions last month included a Sunningdale homeowner, who was stabbed five times by an intruder who gained access to her home via a toilet window.  In a separate incident an 81-year-old man was pistol-whipped by armed suspects in a robbery on Edgeley Road.


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