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Glenhills 21 metre cell mast granted approval

Residents have five working days to submit the appeal which costs R16 000.

GLENHILLS residents are hoping an appeal process will halt the erection of a 21-metre high cell mast on Tipuana Drive. This after the tower, situated on one of the resident’s property, was approved, despite objections.

On Saturday, Robin Kotze, addressed a crowd of around 10 other residents who were concerned about the news. Kotze said he had now started an appeal process and had gotten a lawyer involved to try and stop the mast from being put up.

Kotze also walked door-to-door on Saturday to speak to residents about the options available to them. He added they had five working days to submit the appeal which costs R16 000.

Read Also: Umhlanga Manors win cell mast battle

“There are three other towers in a one kilometre radius of the proposed tower. In their proposal they mentioned that the mast will be located at the rear of a school site, but there’s no school here. It seems they are just railroading things through, thinking the residents won’t appeal. We’ve started an appeal process which is costly but it’s our only option at this point. So many people object to cell masts on the grounds that it is a health hazard but there is no definitive proof that it causes. There have been studies that have been released, but nothing conclusive.

“One of the things we are trying to challenge is the constitution saying you have the right to be free of fear of health risks and we believe this is a violation. I also have three letters from three different property agents who said my property value will be affected by the installation of the mast. We will only know by the end of this month what, if any, effect our appeal had,” he said.


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