Innovative art activation at Ballito Pro 2024

The art that is produced will be displayed at the Gallery in July and up for sale.

The Ballito Pro is far more than just a surfing extravaganza.

It is a multi-faceted leisure and cultural festival featuring a diversity of events.

One of this year’s innovative programmes is an art activation, bringing together schoolchildren from 19 North Coast schools.

“It’s an important showcase giving school pupils a chance to be exposed to the bigger world of events, the scope of creative arts, and their potential to make a career out of it,” said Painting on Purpose co-founder, Dylan Smith.

The project had three stages. The first was the process of contacting the schools requesting submission of artwork.

Keep an eye out for the interactive mural wall at the Ballito Pro.

The top 10 selected artworks and their creators then participated in a linocut workshop on June 15.

The artists were given the task of creating a piece based on the Ballito Pro’s theme – #Thisisthebattlefield, #LenaInkudlaYempi.

The works will be on display at The Gallery at the Lifestyle Centre on July 22, with 100% of the profits going towards the artists.

The final stage of the Ballito Pro Painting on Purpose activation will see the top three artists invited to participate in an interactive mural during the Ballito Pro.

Not only will these artists be involved in the mural’s creation, but the public is also invited to participate so as to unite the festival-goers.

The local artists linocut artworks will also be on display for the crowds to vote on.

Prizes for the winner and runner-up will include work internships and a mural at their respective schools.

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