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Saskia Hockly clinches double gold and world championship ticket

The 20-year-old Mount Morland racer claimed gold in the U23 K1 and open K2 long course races at the SA Marathon Championships.

Touting it as her best result to date, paddling supremo Saskia Hockly won double gold at the SA Canoe Marathon Championships earlier this month.

Competing against some of her childhood heroes, the 20-year-old Mount Morland racer claimed gold in the U23 K1 and open K2 long course races with Durban partner Christie Mackenzie.

“Racing against women I’ve looked up to all my life and beating my role models made this the best one to date,” said Saskia.

Saskia Hockly and Christie Mackenzie embrace after crossing the finish line together in the K1 race. Photo: Graham Daniel.

Held at Tswane’s Roodeplaat Dam from June 14-16, Saskia was not only competing for podium glory, but also a spot on the SA team for the World Championships to be held in Croatia in September – an event Saskia will leave for only 10 days after returning from the Lifesaving World Championships in Australia.

Coming from the North Coast one would have expected the high altitude to impact her performance, but she said its was not too bad – she had expected worse.

“At 1 400m, Roodeplaat Dam is one of the lowest lying areas in Gauteng and we had really good weather, which made it easier to focus on the race instead of trying to stay in the boat amid wind chop. Training in Durban where it’s always warm meant racing in the ‘heat’ also benefitted us KZN paddlers.”

Saskia Hockly (back) and Christie Mackenzie sprint for golden glory in the women’s K2 race.
Photo: Graham Daniel.

Saskia said the combined women’s long course U23 and open K1 races sported the strongest local women’s field she had ever experienced – a world class field of athletes.

And having her KZN sparring buddies, Jenna Nisbet and Christie Mackenzie on the water with her, opened up opportunities to work together.

“Christie and I knew exactly what we were going to do,” she said.

Christie led through the last portage and gave Saskia just enough of a gap to get in. At that stage Eastern Cape’s Nicole Birkett was in second, riding on Christie’s tail wave. Displaying masterful tactical skill, Saskia managed to drop in on Nicole to snatch second place. She then caught up to Christie and they decided to cross the finish line together.

Saskia Hockley (back) and Christie Mackenzie dominated the women’s K2 race. Photo: Graham Daniel.

The long course women’s K2 race also boasted a quality field. Team Euro Steel’s Saskia said she and Christie controlled the race from the start, instigating all the moves.

They dropped the field at the last portage to open up a commanding lead and snatch another gold medal.

Saskia said her success was built on the sacrifices her mother had made for her.

Since she was little her mom worked from home to be able to take her daughters to training and accompany them on races, even overseas. She did whatever it took to raise funds for training, coaches, equipment and the immense cost of travelling.

“It’s nice to have my mom in my corner, always rooting for me.”

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