
#Letter: Ballito community rallies in response to construction site collapse

"We have to recognise some of the heroes behind the scenes" - IPSS Medical Rescue owner Dylan Meyrick.

IPSS Medical Rescue owner Dylan Meyrick writes:

On Saturday morning, IPSS Search and Rescue received a call for a collapse on a construction site in Ballito. Little did we realise at the time the extent of the recovery operation that would take place, with a miracle thrown in for a family and to uplift the spirits of rescuers after a gruelling day.

But we have to recognise some of the heroes behind the scenes who made this day possible.

The Zen Drive residents – the first to respond, to call for help, to offer refreshment and open their homes to the rescuers. All while being unable to leave or access their homes for the day. We thank you for your patience and kindness.

Andile Mjoli – the TLB operator from 007 Plant Hire, the man who received a standing ovation from everyone on site. Your skills and professionalism ensured the safety of the victim and all those on scene and made sure this day was significantly shorter than it would have been without you.

IPSS Search and Rescue volunteers – your dedication is always humbling to see. You give your time freely to the community, dropping everything to respond to those in need and willing to do whatever you can to assist.

Rescuers – those from all organisations, both on and off shift at the time, whose response and high spirits make you all a pleasure to work with. Your dedication to serving the community is inspiring.

Ballito businesses – the response on a Saturday morning when the call went out for equipment to make the scene safe, from cladding, a TLB, generators, lighting and a host of other necessary items was integral to the safety and success on Saturday.

Ballito community – the response for refreshments was incredible to witness, from individuals to restaurants, there was enough food to feed an army. Rescuers and the on-site supporters were well looked after. The line of Checkers60 delivery bikes was a sight to behold.

Victims’ families – we understand the frustration and pain experienced when waiting to hear about your loved ones, wanting to know if the survivor is your family member.

We can’t always give the details you need, as we don’t always know. Our priority is saving the life of your loved one and bringing closure to families. Please know we always do our best.

Our hearts are with those who lost their loved ones on Saturday, and we wish a speedy recovery to the survivor.

Site owner – those first on the scene witnessed the horror and grief your family experienced at this accident. We know that this is not something you and your family will soon recover from.

Thank you also to EMRS, KDM fire department, KDM community safety, Umhlali Saps, Durban Metro Police Search and Rescue, Cert, Saps Search and Rescue, Saps K9 Search and Rescue, eThekweni fire department, KZN disaster management, NSRI and anyone else we have not mentioned for giving your time on Saturday.

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