
#Letters: Action SA councillor condemns illegal dumping in Shaka’s Head

"All types of building rubble, electrical waste, garden waste and chemical waste are dumped," - Stephne Ashworth.

ActionSA PR councillor Stephne Ashworth writes:

This is the fourth time I have photographic evidence of contractors dumping their waste on the sides of a road in Shaka’s Head.

I wish I was able to catch all of them. All types of building rubble, electrical waste, garden waste and chemical waste are dumped.

I’ve contacted the businesses concerned. They have cleaned up and, in some cases, have had to rehabilitate areas owing to the type of waste discarded.

May I suggest that all business owners inform their staff about responsible waste disposal. Next time I will send all the evidence to the KwaDukuza municipality so that these contractors may be criminally charged.

I will also post all the photos on Facebook and any other social media platform available to me.

I will advise all the gated communities of these contractors’ criminal transgressions and suggest they are not allowed access to these estates.

I am very angry. Shaka’s Head is not a dumping ground. Shame on you!

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