#Letters: Taxing the sun

"The KDM energy policy will force private and commercial entities investing in expensive solar systems or other forms of electricity to spend more money" - Wolf Bipp

Wolf Bipp of Sheffield Beach writes:

Everybody now knows that South Africa, after 30 years of maladministration, looting, neglect, and sheer incompetence by the ruling party, is now a failed state.

All assets and institutions are broken, defunct and insolvent.

But nobody knows this more than the people who facilitated this decline from a well-functioning entity they took custody of to a laughable, morally, financially, and politically corrupt shadow of its former self.

This government is realising that the time is now fast approaching when it will be drawing its final breath, desperation is taking hold like a drowning person who is grabbing at anything in reach.

Therefore, it is no surprise that a new form of theft is being organised by which the already hard-pressed populace will be forced, under threat of punishment, to part with more money that is already earmarked to vanish in those dark and cavernous halls of the ruling party they believe to be a government, but which instead resembles more a feature out of Alibaba and the 40 Thieves.

The dreaded “KDM Energy Policy”!

This proposed legislation that will force private and commercial entities who are organising their own power supply – because they simply have to – by investing in rather expensive solar or other forms of electricity generating solutions, to now spend more money, is unacceptable.

It is a direct attack on people who are willing to continue to make and keep South Africa going forward despite the destructive blizzard created around them by a demolition “company” gone rogue for purely evil and selfish interests.

This legislation, cooked up by the municipality in its kitchen from hell, will be an administrative and financial nightmare and will also lead to further destruction of a society that is already on the brink of collapse.

Is it not time to let the drowning entity responsible for the sinking of the ship and the death of already so many other people and who show no remorse for the wrongdoing, to slip away peacefully below the waves before more innocent lives are lost?

Having said that, the people in charge and responsible for the current mess don’t strike me as the kind that would go quietly into the night!

So, remember: To stop the bleeding, you must first get rid of the knife stuck in your side…

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