How about redistributing some State land?

What lies at the core is the culture of greed and entitlement that has the country by the throat.

Our cat has gone missing, which is rather sad. He was off his food for the last couple of weeks and now has disappeared.

He was a feisty little chap. Rose named him Napoleon Braveheart because he was afraid of nothing.

When he met our alarmingly aggressive Doberman about eight years ago, he immediately gave the (bewildered) Dobie a firm smack and they were firm friends for life. Show some respect!

Talk about respect, surely firm action needs to be taken against those who disrespect the laws of the country.

Those who preach hatred and those who call others insulting names. I’m talking about the likes of Julius Malema ranting that most Indians are racists and (talk about bad timing) the Indian woman who tweeted that she was sitting on a plane next to k*****s.

Malema trades on being outrageous, which makes his party’s voice appear much larger than it really is.

But surely the time has come to stop him spewing hatred for political expediency.

Freedom of speech does not translate as freedom to inflame hatred that can all too easily spiral into violence.

There is a specific provision in the Constitution against hate speech and the tweeter must get the same treatment as Sparrow and Momberg, to preach the message that we need to learn to co-exist in a multiracial society.

Furthermore, it is time the authorities dealt firmly with the thugs who have been threatening businesses for not giving them jobs, most lately the teams laying fibre cabling through the Dolphin Coast.

It must be awful to be without work, year after year, but what can possibly be achieved by forcing projects to stop?

What lies at the core is the culture of greed and entitlement that has the country by the throat.

Nobody heeded the warnings in the early days and we are now facing being swamped by a tidal wave of pure greed.

One of SA’s Big Five construction companies, Basil Read, has hit the skids because there is no work out there.

That industry relies on spending on big civil infrastructure projects and there has been little of that in recent years.

Economists have warned that the vast sums being spent on salaries for the bloated civil service would suck money away from construction.

Creating more jobs in government is not the same as productive jobs being created through a growing economy.

It is time for the government to stop patting itself on the back for employing more people for political gain and do what it is supposed to do – create an environment that will allow the market to create jobs and job-producing small businesses to flourish, as well as improving education and skills training.

In the same vein, the much-vaunted RDP housing projects of the 90s have slowed to a trickle because money is going to salaries and being stolen by the likes of the Guptas and fellow travellers.

Money that should be spent on housing is inadequate, so when promises of “expropriation without compensation” are bandied about, the floodgates are opened.

The largest landowner is the State, so how about starting with redistributing some of that?

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Colin Taylor shares this amazing news of a new wine cultivar, especially for seniors:

Outoppie vintners in the Western Cape, which primarily produce Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Grigio wines, have developed a new hybrid grape that acts as an anti-diuretic.

It is expected to reduce the number of trips older people have to make to the bathroom during the night.

The new wine will be marketed as



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