The ultimate guide to staying energised during exam season

Eight ways to feed your mind and stay sharp.

Exams can be stressful for students, and with added pressure and late nights, what you eat becomes even more important.

Proper nutrition not only fuels the body but also boosts focus and energy.

Fuel your study by making meals part of the plan.

Here are eight practical tips to help you eat healthily and stay sharp during exam season.

1. Plan for success

As exams approach, get organised by stocking up on nutritious foods and snacks. Prepare and freeze some healthy meals. This way, you’ll have easy options on hand, reducing the temptation to grab convenience foods or skip meals altogether.

2. Water is your secret weapon

Drinking enough water is crucial for concentration and energy. Keep a water bottle at your study space and aim for six to eight glasses a day. Staying hydrated can significantly improve your focus.

3. Meal routine matters

Students should aim for three balanced meals and two snacks each day. Schedule these into your study timetable to ensure you’re eating regularly. This will help you stay energised and focused throughout your study sessions.

Aim for three balanced meals and two snacks each day.

4. Brain food, not fast food!

Opt for fresh, home-cooked foods whenever possible. These are packed with brain-boosting nutrients and free from additives often found in convenience foods, which can hinder concentration.

5. Ditch the sugar crashes

While it may be tempting to snack on sugary treats, they can lead to quick energy spikes followed by crashes that cause fatigue. Instead, choose snacks that provide sustained energy.
Healthy snacks include plain yogurt, biltong, raw nuts or trail mix, fresh or dried fruit, vegetable sticks with hummus or cottage cheese, air-popped popcorn, whole grain crackers with cheese, avocado, or peanut butter, fruit and yogurt smoothies

Choose snacks that provide sustained energy.

6. Brain-boosting nutrients

Incorporate foods rich in iron, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids into your meals. Balanced meals with protein, whole grains, healthy fats and plenty of fruits and vegetables will help keep your brain nourished.

7. Caffeine caution

Caffeine can provide a short boost of energy, but too much can lead to jitters and insomnia. Limit your intake and opt for herbal teas and water when possible. Remember, tea, coffee, energy drinks and colas all contain caffeine.

8. Move it! Move it!

Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. A short break for exercise can boost your mood, increase oxygen flow to the brain and leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your studies.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to fuel your body and mind during exam season. Remember, taking care of your nutrition can make a big difference in your performance!

• Nutrition Innovated dietitian and lactation consultant Claire McHugh has over 20 years’ experience. Specialising in infant and paediatric nutrition, Claire emphasises the importance of nourishing the entire family. Claire is based at Northcare Medical in Simbithi. Contact: 032 815 0630.

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