Murder rate sparks prayer vigil in KwaDukuza township

Ntshawini is notorious for having the highest crime rate of any township in KwaDukuza.

The surge in crime in Ntshawini, particularly murder, motivated at least eight churches to unite in prayer against the violence last Thursday.

Bishop Makhosi Ngcobo of the Rock of Salvation Ministries said the most recent incident involved a woman who was shot and killed in her home in front of her children.

“Apart from that case, there are countless young people who are killed in our township every weekend. It is a situation that makes residents feel uneasy, spending each day wondering if our children will come home,” said Bishop Ngcobo.

The group visited crime hotspots around the township to pray before gathering with more than 100 residents for a morning of prayer at a local sports field.

Ntshawini has long been notorious for having the highest crime rate of any township in KwaDukuza.

The township usually leads statistictics relating to assault with grievous bodily harm, armed robbery, murder and attempted murder cases.

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