Squatters overrun land earmarked for a school and clinic in Shaka’s Head

Private land and community gardens have been destroyed while KDM remains locked in a court battle with the invaders.

Shaka’s Head is grappling with a serious land invasion issue as squatters continue to occupy vacant private and municipal land.

The problem began in 2022 when municipal land earmarked for the construction of a high school and clinic was overrun by illegal settlers on the P445 – the extension of Ballito Drive near Caledon Estate and Umhlali Country Club.

This matter is currently tied up in court while the number of shacks have mushroomed into the hundreds.

Recently, squatters began erecting shacks on private land adjacent to RA Padayache Primary School, destroying vegetable gardens belonging to local women.

Illegal dwellers clear their plots on vacant land in Shaka’s Head.

The situation has further deteriorated with the invasion of land near the tin houses at Shaka’s Head which provide shelter to victims of a past fire disaster.

Shaka’s Head Councillor Jetro Banda and his ward committee have attempted to address the issue which, among other problems, has resulted in frequent power outages owing to illegal electrical connections by the squatters.

“It’s a serious issue that needs to be resolved urgently. We have residents who have been struggling with electricity for months because of these illegal connections. Even though the matter is in court, the process is taking too long,” said Banda.

“Shaka’s Head is also in dire need of a high school. We were pleased to have land allocated for it, but it has now been occupied. This situation has led to a high dropout rate as parents struggle to transport their children to nearby schools. I’m trying to arrange a bus service to assist with the transportation of pupils,” said Banda.

Illegal dwellers are marking their plots on vacant land in Shaka’s Head.

He also revealed that some squatters have paid between R3 000 and R10 000 for plots, allegedly to people in leadership positions in local political parties.

“I told them to reclaim their money as they were scammed. I understand the economic challenges and the desire to live near Ballito where many work, but we cannot allow the illegal occupation of land, whether municipal or private. It’s simply not right,” he said.

Landowner Jason Kobusch reported that about 22 hectares of his land have been invaded, prompting him to hire security services to protect his property.

He noted that the invaded land is intended for future residential and commercial development.

KwaDukuza municipality spokesperson Sifiso Zulu refused to comment while the matter was in court.

“The municipality is currently filing supplementary affidavits in line with the court directive. The matter remains sub judice and we will not comment any further as it might jeopardise our case.

“The municipality would like to confirm that the illegally occupied land is zoned ‘public administration’ and was acquired for public amenities,” said Zulu.

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