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Sweet support for autism awareness at Netcare Alberlito Hospital

Autism awareness plays a vital role in creating a more inclusive and supportive society.

The Imbalito Hope Centre for Neurodiversity and the Connect Special Needs Forum held a special autism awareness event together with Netcare Alberlito Hospital last week to commemorate World Autism Month in April.

Biokineticist Alex Jones.

Delicious rainbow-themed cupcakes highlighting the spectrum disorder were baked by the Mikhail D iHope Foundation bakery for adults with autism and neurodiversity.

Reshika, Amara and Shaun Paul.
Netcare Alberlito’s Lisa Govender, matron Kim Lisa Mey, Imbalito Hope Centre Director Nirasha Dhaniram and Imbalito Hope Centre’s Milan Dhaniram.

The day was informative and enjoyed by patients, families, staff and the community.

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