
Ballito fraud accused Jaco van Heerden’s bail conditions revised

Updated bail conditions now allow him to conduct business travel within KZN, with specific restrictions.

Ballito resident Jaco van Heerden made another appearance in the Umhlali Court last week and had his bail conditions updated.

Accused of fraud, he will now be able to travel throughout KwaZulu-Natal to conduct business, provided he is home by 9.30pm every night.

No leisure activities are permitted outside of the iLembe district, however.

As part of the conditions of his R75 000 bail in October last year, Van Heerden was previously unable to leave the greater Ballito area. He was arrested and charged on October 16 in connection with an allegation of fraud made by his friend Pierre Scheepers.

Van Heerden, a director of MedBond Insurance Administrators, is alleged to have defrauded Scheepers out of R2.36-million through a fake investment opportunity.

Van Heerden denied the allegations by way of his initial bail application affidavit and indicated his intent to plead not guilty.

He will appear again on May 20.

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