
Linguistic proficiency meets technological literacy at Reddam House Ballito

By integrating international language learning with coding and robotics, Reddam House provides learners with a comprehensive education that aligns with the demands of the digital age.

The fusion of linguistic proficiency and technological literacy is increasingly recognised as essential for a learner’s future success.

High schools that combine the learning of an international language such as French with coding, robotics and information technology are therefore at the forefront of preparing learners for the post-Covid world.

The European Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) underscores the critical role of digital skills in economic growth and competitiveness.

With the digital sector driving job creation and innovation, proficiency in the use and creation of technology has become essential for individuals seeking employment opportunities in various industries.

South Africans who can speak French have a distinct advantage over other graduates in the area of technology. Scholarships and employment opportunities abroad are more readily available to students who display a proficiency in French.

Reddam House Ballito recognises the importance of this fusion of linguistic, social and technological skills, offering learners a comprehensive learning experience that combines the learning of an international language such as French with coding, robotics and information technology.

In addition to these subjects, an annual exchange programme with a French school near Geneva offers Reddam House Ballito learners unique linguistic, social and technological opportunities.As part of the Reddam House Ballito exchange programme to Switzerland and France, a visit to the renowned CERN Hadron Collider near Geneva is even in the offing. Such a visit will allow learners to explore the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, gaining insights into cutting-edge research and technology in the field of particle physics

By fostering linguistic proficiency, technological excellence, and cross-cultural interaction, Reddam House Ballito positions its learners to seize exciting opportunities to succeed.

Meet the deputy head:

Deputy head of Reddam House – Wouter Oelofse


Wouter Oelofse says he has a penchant for French finesse.

Armed with a degree in French teaching from the Université de Grenoble, Oelofse is not your average deputy head.

As one of the founding teachers of Reddam House Atlantic Seaboard in Cape Town 20 years ago, he is an education pioneer.

When he’s not busy swimming, hiking or exploring a French-speaking country around the world, you’ll find him exploring new ways to infuse learning with laughter and creativity.

“Excellence in education is a serious business, because good results ensure a bright future but who says it can’t be fun too?

“As a student, you feel proud of yourself when you finally manage to find x, but that memory fades quickly to make way for the lasting ones – your friends, that teacher who made all the difference, heroic sporting achievements and your moments of fame on the stage.”

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