
Curro Salt Rock: Shaping future leaders through AI-driven education

From early childhood development to advanced high school courses, Curro's AI integration enhances learning experiences and prepares students for a rapidly evolving world.

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, Curro Salt Rock stands out as a beacon of innovative learning, seamlessly integrating AI into the classrooms, from preschool to high school.

Curro Salt Rock goes beyond conventional teaching methods, focusing on growing a curiosity approach in the preschool, while incorporating 21st Century learning to provide a holistic educational experience that caters to the diverse passions and interests of every learner in primary school and high school.

Starting at preschool level, Curro Salt Rock introduces young minds to the wonders of learning through curiosity play, self-discovery and igniting the imagination.

With a keen emphasis on early learning, the preschool creates a nurturing environment that fosters collaboration, curiosity, creativity, communication and social skills.

Through carefully crafted activities and play-based learning, children are exposed to foundational concepts in numeracy, literacy, and emotional intelligence.

Curro Salt Rock’s dedicated teachers understand the significance of these formative years and strive to instill a love for learning that will serve as the cornerstone for a lifetime of academic success and personal growth.

Curro learners planting a tree on Arbor Day.


In the primary school phase, the commitment to 21st Century learning becomes even more apparent.

Learners are exposed to cutting-edge technology, enabling them to explore and understand the world around them in new and exciting ways.

The integration of AI tools in the classroom enhances personalised learning experiences, accommodating various learning styles and piquing individual interests.

This approach ensures that students not only excel academically but also develop a deep understanding of the practical applications of technology.

At high school level, Curro Salt Rock continues to cultivate a dynamic learning environment where AI learning platforms for support are seamlessly woven into the fabric of education. The school’s commitment to supporting learners’ passions and interests is evident in the diverse range of elective courses and extracurricular activities.

From coding and robotics clubs to creative AI-driven projects, learners have the opportunity to explore and develop their skills in alignment with their unique talents and aspirations
What sets Curro Salt Rock apart is its holistic offering that extends beyond traditional academic pursuits. The institution recognises that nurturing well-rounded individuals involves catering to both academic and non-academic passions.

Through a comprehensive range of extracurricular programmes, sport, dramatic arts, art, and community engagement initiatives, the school ensures that learners receive a balanced education that prepares them for the challenges of the future.

As education evolves in the digital age, Curro Salt Rock remains at the forefront, shaping young minds and preparing them for a future where adaptability, creativity, and technological proficiency are key.

Meet Curro’s school heads:

Head Of Primary School: Joe Erasmus


Joe Erasmus brings a wealth of experience to education after an impressive 39-year tenure.

He says he found his first year at Curro Salt Rock in 2023 a refreshing and humbling experience.

He notes the rapid pace at which educational methodologies are changing, even surpassing expectations of just five years ago.

Looking ahead to this year, Erasmus is excited of what can be achieved with his dedicated “dream team” of teachers.

The goal is always to deliver a comprehensive education that goes beyond academics, instilling a competitive spirit and fostering a sense of confidence and accomplishment in every learner.

Mr Sean Friedenthal, Executive Head of Curro Salt Rock


Sean Friedenthal’s passion is to develop learners and bright futures.

Describing himself as an educational visionary, he says his approach is characterised by a fusion of commitment, innovation, and dynamic ideas and services.

“My overarching goal is to guide a school seamlessly into the 21st Century, fostering partnerships and collaborations with both private and public enterprises.

“No school operates in isolation; it bears the responsibility to collaborate with its community and the larger country to champion the education of our emerging leaders, and I aspire to be an integral part of this dynamic movement.”

Friedenthal views the arts and sport as integral components in shaping well-rounded, responsible and dedicated members of society.

Head of Curro Salt Rock Pre-School – Chantelle Smith


Chantelle Smith transitioned from corporate training to early childhood development fueled by her passion for nurturing young minds.

Equipped with a management background, she pursued an ECD qualification part-time, leading to a fulfilling career change as a preschool teacher.

Over the past seven years at Curro, she taught various age groups and now leads a learner support class for children with developmental delays. Dedicated to mainstreaming these learners successfully, she collaborates closely with families and specialists.

Appointed last year, she remains committed to prioritising learners and maintaining professional school management.


Jennifer van Buuren – Curro head of high school


With almost 40 years of experience in education, Jennifer van Buuren, recognises the dynamic nature of education, where opportunities for innovation abound.

Her commitment to remain at the forefront of these advancements is unwavering.

“To achieve this, it is crucial for me to stay attuned to trends and changes that may impact how I manage the high school.

“Reflecting on my year-long journey here at Curro, it has been an exhilarating experience marked by continuous learning.

“One of my goals is to continue practicing my ‘hands on’ approach, being accessible to staff and students and spending time in the classroom and in the corridors.”

Being part of the Curro Salt Rock community and residing in the Ballito community is a privilege that fills me with great excitement, she said.

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