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CityHill business breakfast this Friday: Prison survivor to share inspirational journey to freedom

Framed for murder, Rusty Labuschagne was imprisoned in a Zimbabwean jail for a decade.

Wrongfully framed for murder and imprisoned in harsh conditions for a decade – hear the inspiring story of Rusty Labuschagne at a business breakfast in Salt Rock on Friday.

Labuschagne was a successful businessman in Zimbabwe before his 10-year imprisonment under Robert Mugabe’s regime.

Now a free man, Labuschagne has turned professional speaker and author, sharing his journey of going through hell and coming out the other side.

His talks cover a wide range of topics, including the importance of self-leadership, working with diverse cultures and how to find resilience in the face of adversity.

He will be speaking at CityHill Ballito at the Litchi Orchard between 7.30-9am.

If you want to attend – there is no charge – register at cityhillballito.com for catering purposes.

You can find more information on Labuschagne via his website at beatingchains.com.

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