
#Letters: Wise voting crucial to SA’s future

"If you love your country, vote, vote, vote like the expats" - Nelson Puckree.

Nelson Puckree of Stanger Heights writes:

How low can one go to woo voters? It is a shame when political leaders resort to cheap tactics to win support.

The leader of the official opposition went to the extreme in his campaign by burning the South African flag and shouting “Dubula inyanga” in an advert on national TV.

Our flag is honoured and valued in most parts of the world because of South Africa’s stance on human rights.

Leaders must think very carefully before they make senseless statements that could be misunderstood and lead to chaos. Lives could be lost in the process.

All political parties contesting these elections should know that people were watching their performances over the past five years and they will vote accordingly,
Spreading fear and hatred will not win you support. Local municipal councillors will, if they failed to perform their duties, cost their political parties at the ballot box.

God bless South Africa, God bless these elections.

I make a humble appeal to the people of South Africa to come out in their numbers to vote, and vote wisely. The future of the generations that comes after us lies in your hands.

Sitting at home and not voting is not going to save South Africa.

If you love your country, vote, vote, vote like the expats.

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