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Unlocking the mystery of jaw pain: How singing, toothbrushes, and chiropractic care can bring relief

The Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge joint and sometimes can become painful, stiff or 'locked'

Every now and then a patient walks in who can hardly talk!

Through muttering and sign language they explain they have severe pain in their jaw (below the ear).

They say it often feels like it ‘locks’ and they struggle to open their mouths.

For the most part, this condition comes on quickly and can get better quickly, with the right care.

The Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge joint and sometimes can become painful, stiff or ‘locked’.

This causes severe discomfort and sometimes refers pain to different areas around the head.

Some people experience a severe headache or toothache. Others may have a blocked ear, experience dizziness or ringing in the ear associated with the TMJ discomfort.

It can be caused by several factors such as clenching the teeth, anxiety, teeth misalignment, chewing gum all day and even yawning too wide.

Some people just seem to be more prone to it than others but I’ve noticed a bout of ‘stress’ as a common cause.

Some people unknowingly clench their jaw when stressed or grind their teeth at night and this contributes to the pain.

Other less common causes of TMJ pain include inflamed sinuses, tight muscles in the neck and face, previous injuries to the area (eg boxing or rugby injury), certain types of arthritis and connective tissue disorders.

When the jaw clicks a lot, it needs some strengthening exercises. We were trying to work out why one of my patients had a painful clicking jaw and then she told me she chews gum all day long. When she stopped there was immediate relief.

There is a simple exercise using a toothbrush that really helps a clicking jaw to strengthen. Find an old toothbrush and bite down on it for a few seconds each side with your back teeth.

It sounds unusual but it really works with people with regular jaw pain.

With chiropractic care we see wonderful results in most muscular causes of TMJ pain within a few treatments.

The treatments we do include mobilisation and massage of the jaw, exercises, dry needling and electric stimulation.

Often we also have to work inside the mouth and massage the jaw muscles, which can be painful but quickly brings great relief.

Dr Tracey Joelson.
Dr Tracey Joelson.

Some people get a bite plate fitted by a dentist to help prevent them from grinding their teeth at night, which eases the pressure on the TMJ.

At home, when in pain, you can do jaw exercises, rub Arnica oil on the area as well as apply a heat pack.

Furthermore, a great exercise for those with long-term jaw issues is to sing! Singing opens the jaw and exercises the muscles, as well as releases the good ‘happy’ chemicals in the brain that bring joy and release stress.

I have seen amazing results in one little girl who was battling to talk as her jaw was very tight. We started with singing lessons and within a few months there was beautiful progress in her speech.

TMJ pain can be difficult but there is treatment available.

Dr Tracey Joelson qualified as a chiropractor in 2001 and  now works from Eden Health in Salt Rock. She has four children and a :special interest in family wellness and children.

Contact: +27 73 907 1581

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