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Unlocking the benefits of chiropractic care for foot health

Tracey Joelson's father defied a grim prognosis of a rare foot disease through the power of exercise and determination.

Recent studies show that exercise is one of the most beneficial disciplines for long-term health and recovery from disease.

My very fit and healthy dad fell into a pool at age 74 and suffered a severe foot injury.

This resulted in months of severe pain, limping around, disability and a plethora of medical interventions and scans.

Several specialists could not determine why he experienced so much pain. Eventually it was discovered that he had a rare foot disease called Charcots joints.

The specialist said there was little hope of recovery and amputation of his foot an eventual possibility.

Dad and I refused to accept the foreboding prognosis and remembered that exercise is medicine!

We decided that swimming would be the most beneficial activity. He gets bored with indoor swimming and he likes a challenge, so living near Midmar Dam he decided to challenge himself to swim the dam’s perimeter.

Vernon Allwood enjoying his daily swim at Midmar Dam.

He carefully mapped it out, and swimming for about two hours at a time and little by little swam the approximate 42km perimeter of Midmar Dam within 11 months.

The foot movement from swimming provided more oxygen to the joints in the foot and helped to flush the inflammation out.

He also had chiropractic care for his feet. Within about nine months my dad was pain free and able to do hikes again.

Chiropractic is incredibly helpful for many common conditions of the foot such as tendonitis or osteoarthritis in the foot, plantar fasciitis, ankle sprain and metatarsalgia.

We also see great results among the elderly with stiffness and numbness of the feet causing difficulty to walk.

Presently I am treating someone who was temporarily paralysed and has taken months to recover normal sensation in his feet, but chiropractic care has significantly improved the sensation in and function of his feet.

Chiropractic care for the foot involves mobilisation, manipulation, massage, dry needling, electrotherapy, kinesiotaping and massage.

Chiropractic helps enhance the benefits of exercise, and vice versa. The chiropractic adjustment releases anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain killers) into one’s blood, which helps to regulate the nervous system and enhance athletic ability. Many people also experience an upliftment in mood and energy after a chiropractic adjustment.

Exercise needs to be tailored to suit one’s age, health and lifestyle. It’s also wonderful if you can get some healthy sunlight and, if possible, do it with friends.

We are so blessed to live in a beautiful area with a mild climate (apart from our crazy hot days!) where it is easy to find an exercise enjoyable and suitable for our age, health and fitness level.

Whether it’s walking on the beach, padel, mountain biking, indoor classes or swimming, there is something for everyone. So if you are doing no exercise, start today.

Dr Tracey Joelson qualified as a chiropractor in 2001 and now works from Eden Health in Salt Rock. She has four children and a special interest in family wellness and children.

Contact: 073 907 1581

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