
Many questions on Hani’s death

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By Editorial staff

As the killer of Chris Hani wings his way back to his native Poland, there will be many angry and bitter South Africans… and many unanswered questions about a watershed moment in the contemporary history of this country.

Janus Walus was convicted by being the trigger man in the April 1993 assassination of Hani, then a leader in the SA Communist Party (SACP) but also a major player in the ANC, who was tipped for the highest office in the land.

Walus has remained silent about the involvement of others… but that may be because he was kept in the dark by other conspirators as the “useful idiot” and “fall guy”.


His coconspirator, Clive Derby-Lewis, also took his secrets to the grave with him when he died a few years ago – if indeed he had any secrets.

Hani’s family and the SACP have fought against Walus being given parole and now against his deportation to Poland and have repeatedly called for a proper inquest into Hani’s death.

ALSO READ: Janusz Waluś heading back to Poland as Chris Hani’s wife makes inquiry request


Without that, we will never know.

Who really benefited from Hani’s death? Why had he to be stopped from one day becoming president?

South Africa would have been a different place had he lived.


But can we move on without closure?

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By Editorial staff