One-woman-show to entertain and encourage

It not only tells the story of a 30-year-old, but also about all the stuff in between and is also a testimony to how we each have a story - we live a life where each are made to be unconditionally ourselves.

A Pretoria woman, who has overcome several obstacles in her life, has taken her story to the stage in an effort to encourage other people.

This performance was held last Thursday, at the Pierneef Theatre in the Moot.

Unapologetically ME tells the story of motivational speaker Maryka Roux and her life up to the age of 30.

“It can be classified as a one-woman play/ comedy/ testimony/ crazy original music extravaganza,” she said.

“It not only tells the story of a 30-year-old, but also about all the stuff in between and is also a testimony to how we each have a story – we live a life where each are made to be unconditionally ourselves.

“We don’t need to apologise for who we are, as long as we are exactly who we were made to be – Unapologetically ME.”

Roux said she studied at the University of Pretoria and has always known she wanted to be a lecturer.

“People are going to have to watch the play to know why it’s such a wondrous journey about what I’ve studied,” she said.

Motivational speaker Maryka Roux on stage. Photo: Facebook

“But the Lord was behind it all exactly so that I studied what I studied.”

She said she also studied visual studies.

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“So I’m technically an art critic, but have also had drama subjects and have always done drama my whole life,” she said.

Roux has been lecturing for the past nine years.

“In 2017, I was explaining something to the students when the Holy Spirit told me that I was going to do something bigger and encourage people,” she said.

In 2019, she began full-time motivational talk after receiving Holy Spirit confirmation at the end of 2018 to share her story.

Roux also suffered from abuse in her life, forming part of the story.

Motivational speaker Maryka Roux on stage. Photo: Facebook

“Never stay silent – no matter what type of abuse or harassment you go through, silence is never the answer,” she said.

“These people are hurting because they are hurt. If you talk, you might be able to help others in the same situation.”

She said it was also important to forgive.

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“Always remember that your value will never change. What happens never makes you inferior,” she said.

When Roux described the play, she said the following: “I always say I’m Maryka with an A. A stands for different and that’s exactly what this play is about” she said.

Her very first play was held at the Pierneef Theatre last year.

“I knew I wanted to tour with the show, but the year got busy and so I decided to do it this year,” she said.

“That’s why we started the tour at the Pierneef Theatre – because that’s where it all started.”

She said a second date for the show was set for 20 June, in Irene.

“Hopefully the coronavirus season has blown over by then,” she said.

She said at last week’s play, there were measures in place at the theatre to protect visitors from the virus.

Roux said the first play of the tour was a success.

With her interactivity and her bubbly personality, she kept the crowd’s attention and kept them on the edge of their seats.

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