COMPETITION: What’s new a the movies?

Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) is the fiercely independent daughter of an eccentric adventurer who vanished when she was scarcely a teen.

This week sees the return of Lara Croft to the big screen at Nu Metro cinemas in Pretoria – along with a dramatic new horror and an Afrikaans fantasy-drama.

Tomb Raider (13 V)

In 3D at all Nu Metro cinemas.

Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) is the fiercely independent daughter of an eccentric adventurer who vanished when she was scarcely a teen.

Now a young woman of 21 without any real focus or purpose, Lara navigates the chaotic streets of trendy East London as a bike courier, barely making the rent.

Leaving everything she knows behind, Lara goes in search of her dad’s last-known destination: a fabled tomb on a mythical island that might be somewhere off the coast of Japan.

But her mission will not be an easy one, just reaching the island will be extremely treacherous.

Suddenly, the stakes could not be higher for Lara, who – against the odds and armed with only her sharp mind, blind faith and inherently stubborn spirit – must learn to push herself beyond her limits as she journeys into the unknown.

If she survives this perilous adventure, it could be the making of her, earning her the name tomb raider.

Tomb Raider is also showing in the multi-sensory 4DX cinema at Nu Metro Menlyn Park – featuring high-tech motion seats and environmental effects, to make moviegoers a part of the action on-screen.

Marrowbone (16 HLV)

Showing at Nu Metro Menlyn Park only.

Marrowbone is a thrilling, suspense-filled horror drama that tells the story of four orphan siblings who only have each other as they face the looming threat of a horrible past.

While the siblings try to overcome their plight, they take shelter in an isolated house, which acts as a safe haven for their broken family – only to discover that the house has another, more sinister, inhabitant.

“For me, Marrowbone is a thriller that combines many elements: thriller, horror, love story and fantasy,” explains first-time director Sergio G. Sánchez.

“I am very interested in that mixture of genres that invites the viewer to participate in the game, to actively participate and compose a puzzle.

“My intention was to make a classic movie of suspense, to shoot so that it seemed like a movie from another time, away from the patterns of the current genre cinema. But for this to not seem like an exercise of nostalgia, I tried to narrate it so it added to the complex and original structure.”

Meerkat Maantuig (10-13PG H)

Word vertoon by Nu Metro Menlyn Park en Woodlands se VIP teaters.

Meerkat Maantuig is geïnspireer deur die jeugnovella Blinde Sambok deur die bekende Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer Riana Scheepers.

Die skrywer van die film, Hanneke Schutte, het besluit om die boek in ’n kinematiese verhaal omskep, in die wonderlike woude van Magoebaskloof.

Gideonette de la Rey is ’n vreesbevange 13-jarige meisie wat glo in die familievloek wat van generasie na generasie oorgedra word.

Bang en desperaat is sy nie in staat om van die storie wat haar identiteit geslyp het, te ontsnap nie.

Uiteindelik is dit slegs deur haar vrese in die gesig te staar dat sy in staat is om hulle te oorkom.

“Met elemente van magiese realisme is Meerkat Maantuig ’n waarlik unieke film” (Stage & Screen).

Spelers soos Anchen du Plessis, Themba Ntuli, Pierre van Pletzen, Rika Sennet, Hanlé Barnard en Drikus Volschenk is in Meerkat Maantuig te sien.


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