
What are your chances of seeing sharks and other wildlife on shark tours?

Get up close and personal with sharks in their natural habitat with Apex Shark Expeditions.

Cape Town shark cage diving offers one of the world’s best locations to see sharks in the wild, all year round, with sightings varying from year to year.

Sharks, like leopards, tigers, bears, and eagles that occur in the wilderness, are free to roam. Although Apex Shark Expeditions would like to guarantee sightings on each trip, and they do their absolute best to find the sharks, they cannot ‘make’ the sharks appear at the boat.

Sharks have their unique personalities; some choose to interact, and some don’t. They are affected by weather and seasons. Add to this that there are far fewer sharks left in the world’s oceans today, and then you would understand that it is a privilege to see even one shark in the wild.

In Cape Town, Apex Shark Expeditions prides itself, as much as any other marine-based tourism company in South Africa, on the fact that they adopt an ‘entire eco-system’ approach to trips and not focus solely on being species-specific. What this means is that you have a crew that is always on the lookout for all forms of wildlife from penguins and other marine birds to seals, dolphins, whales, and other special fauna one may encounter on a half-day shark tour.

If any other animals are spotted, the Apex team will take the time to show them to you, without compromising your chances of seeing sharks.

“We want you to enjoy the experience and all it has to offer, not just the sharks.”

There are annual variations in sightings so prior to booking be sure to find out what the sightings are like and if the season is panning out like others. Apex will do their best to inform you of what they are seeing.

“Having said this, we hope that you understand that these are wild animals, and it is up to you to make the most of anything we may be lucky enough to see on each shark tour and acknowledge the vagaries, intricacies, and unpredictable nature that working with truly wild animals brings with it.”

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