
Buckle up: Seatbelts aren’t just for drivers anymore

It's no secret that seatbelts save lives. But did you know they're just as crucial for passengers in the back seat?

Accident statistics in South Africa are horrendous. They cost the economy millions of rand and valuable production time.

Wearing your safety belt whether you sit in front or the back of the vehicle is non-negotiable, and here’s why:

  • It prevents ejection: An unbuckled passenger can be thrown from the vehicle in a crash, often with fatal consequences.
  • It reduces injury risk: Seatbelts significantly lower the chance of serious injury. Rear passengers using both lap and shoulder belts are 44% more likely to survive a collision.
  • Protects others: Unsecured passengers become projectiles in a crash, potentially injuring themselves and others in the car.
  • It’s the law: In South Africa, as in most countries, seatbelt use is mandatory for all passengers, including those in the back.

The dangers of skipping your seatbelt in the back are real:

  • Head injuries: From concussions to skull fractures, the risk without a seatbelt is high.
  • Spinal injuries: Crash forces can cause severe spinal damage, potentially leading to paralysis.
  • Internal injuries: Internal bleeding or organ damage can be life-threatening without immediate treatment.
  • Broken bones: Collisions can cause fractures to the ribs, arms, legs and pelvis.
  • Facial injuries: Facial fractures, dental damage and severe lacerations are all possible.
  • Chest injuries: Broken ribs, punctured lungs or heart damage are possible dangers in the chest area.
  • Instant death: A head hitting the seat in front can be fatal.

Seatbelts keep you secure and distribute crash forces evenly, significantly reducing these risks.

Ensure that your rear passengers are wearing their seatbelts.

South Africa’s alarming statistics:

  • Only 40% of South Africans regularly wear seatbelts.
  • Rear seatbelt usage is shockingly low, with just 8.3%.
  • Road accidents cost the South African economy millions of rand.

Wearing a seatbelt can save your life and the lives of others. Be conscious and mindful and buckle up every time, in every seat.

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