
Don’t get stuck without wheels: Stop tyre theft with these tips

Protect your car from thieves targeting tyres and rims. Learn here how to deter criminals and keep your wheels safe.

Waking up to a car on bricks because your wheels have been stolen is a frustrating experience. Unfortunately, there’s been a rise in tyre and rim thefts across the country.

Tyre and wheel theft may cost you thousands of rands, so take preventative steps.

According to MasterDrive’s CEO, Eugene Herbert, replacing four tyres can be a significant expense, and these costs can soar if multiple vehicles are targeted. He highlights the connection between stolen tyres and the black market for cheap ones, emphasising the importance of not buying these products.

Photo for illustration purposes only.

Here are some tips for what you can do to protect your wheels

  • Park smartly: If possible, park your car in a garage or a secure driveway. This is the ultimate deterrent, as thieves seek easy access.
  • Consider wheel locks: While not foolproof, wheel lock nuts can add an extra layer of security and deter casual thieves.
  • Maximise security: Ensure your car alarm is always set and functioning. Activate it early each evening, not just when you go to bed.
  • Keep your security lights on: Keep your driveway and property well lit with motion sensor lights to deter thieves and improve visibility for security cameras.
  • Keep it clean: Avoid leaving valuables in your car, especially in plain sight. This can attract thieves who might target your wheels alongside other belongings.
  • Be aware of high-risk vehicles: SUVs, bakkies and vans with larger wheels are more commonly targeted due to their resale value.
  • Neighbourhood watch: Join a local neighbourhood watch scheme to stay informed about crime trends and suspicious activity. Report any unusual behaviour, like strange cars lingering around your property.
  • Report all crimes: If you become a victim of tyre theft, report it to the police immediately. Reporting it helps identify crime patterns and allows authorities to allocate resources effectively.

Remember, by following these simple steps, you can significantly reduce your risk of tyre theft.

The black market thrives on cheap, readily available tyres. Since stolen tyres are difficult to trace, these crimes are less risky for thieves compared to car theft itself. Furthermore, removing wheels can be done quickly and quietly.

“Tyre theft is a low-risk, high-reward crime for criminals,” says Herbert. “Take preventative action and make it as difficult as possible for them to steal your wheels.”

By implementing these tips and remaining vigilant, you can protect your car and avoid the hassle and expense of replacing stolen tyres.

Source: MotorPress  


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