
Driving while on medication is dangerous

Medication and driving can be a risky mix. We explore the dangers of drowsy driving and how to stay safe on the road.

Eugene Herbert, CEO of MasterDrive, warns that drowsy driving is dangerous and should be avoided.

“Driving under the influence of alcohol is well-known as a danger, but what about medication? Medication, like fatigue, can significantly impair driving ability,” he says.

Statistics show the risk

Studies suggest drowsy driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. Over 20% of road accidents involve fatigued drivers, according to Herbert.

Medication and drowsiness: A dangerous combination

Flu medications are a common culprit. Drowsiness is a side effect many underestimate, especially when combined with fatigue from illness.

Herbert warns of workplace risks

“Driving for a living creates a difficult situation,” says Herbert. “Taking medication while on the road is risky. Employees who need medication should take sick leave until they can drive safely again.”

Employers can help mitigate the risk

Employers play a crucial role. Educating staff about drowsy medication and driving is important. Additionally, offering alternative plans for drivers who are unwell helps prevent them from returning to work too early or using medication to push through illness.

Prioritise safety on the road

Reducing crashes caused by drowsy driving medication should be a company policy. Herbert concludes, “Your employees’ safety and your company’s well-being depend on it.”

Source: MotorPress

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