It was a good year despite COVID-19

The year 2020 is on its head - literally and figuratively and, the holiday season is upon us. 

Oval track racer, Hanneke Brits walked off with the Rookie of the Year title at the Speed Track Raceway outside Mbombela.

Hanneke has been racing for four years and “for now, I have achieved what I set out to do,” she said.

The track season was shortened this year as a result of Covid-19 restrictions. “With only five events and one that I could not compete at due to exams, I still managed to rack up 316 points – the most among all competitors – the most wins (13 from four events) and also be crowned the Driver of the Year. In 2021 I will move up from the Rookie class into the Hotrod Class. For now, I will continue racing with my Opel Corsa 1.4-litre. I look forward to learning a lot from uncle Nic de Witt. He is a brilliant and fast driver and extremely generous in terms of mentoring young talent.”

Hanneke would love to get a Super Boss to race with but her biggest fan and teacher, oupa Hennie, feels that she is not yet ready for so much power.

“Racing has taught me to believe in myself – to strive for quality and consistency. The year 2021 will be a tough learning curve. Hotrods are extremely competitive but whether I win or lose, my intention is to learn and demonstrate that us girls can do it for ourselves.”

‘Many thanks to my support team – oupa Hennie, my mom and Donavan,” she concluded.

Yes, we all hope that 2021 will once again present us with a full season of racing or whatever sport you participate in.

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