Young mother brutally murdered in Western Cape

A grandmother faces the daunting task of raising her grandson alone following her daughter’s murder.

Micaylin Whites (22), the mother of a toddler, was stabbed to death last weekend and her body was dumped next to the highway, where it was found by a traffic officer on Saturday morning.

“I am saddened that the person who did this to her knew me.” These are the words of Bonita Whites from Parkdene in George, Western Cape, after her daughter Micaylin was brutally murdered.

Micaylin’s body was found at 06:50 by a traffic officer patrolling the highway.

According to Southern Cape police spokesperson Sergeant Chris Spies, she had suffered multiple stab wounds.

“Circumstances surrounding this killing are under investigation and the motive is yet to be established,” says Spies.

No one has been arrested in connection with the murder.

Anyone with information that could help the police is asked to contact the investigating officer, Captain Mark Pockpas, on 082 522 1927.

According to information received by George Herald, Micaylin went out to a social event in Thembalethu with some friends the night before her body was found.

Unfortunately, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“She wasn’t a troublemaker. She was loved by many and a real people’s person.

“She did well at school and would start her law enforcement training at the Chrysalis Academy in September,” says Bonita.

Micaylin’s senseless and brutal death has sent shockwaves through the Parkdene community and condolences have been streaming in after a Facebook post made by George Herald.

Her friends will remember her as a gentle person who was always smiling and laughing.

“Everywhere she went, people would comment on how she looks like me. She looked like her mommy with the IQ of her dad,” Bonita smiles.

Micaylin’s father, Raymond Jansen, was the financial manager at the Department of Health until 2014. He and his oldest daughter, Micaylin’s sister, died years ago in a horrific car accident.

Micaylin was a gentle person who was always smiling and laughing. Photo Supplied.

“We were more than mother and daughter. We were sisters… Best friends.”

“We shared everything. For a while now she has been telling me how much she longs for her father.”

Bonita is now left with the giant task of raising her grandson Rouxvé.

“Everyone knew me, everyone knew her. The person who did this knew me. We used to walk around and play together as children. That person ripped her away from us when she was just about to enter her life as an adult and make a life for herself.”

A memorial service for Micaylin will be held at her home in Bontebok Street tomorrow at 09:00. Her funeral service will be held at the AFM (AGS) church in Parkdene at 10:00.

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