Workers nearly ‘melt’ as asphalt pours onto truck in Pietermaritzburg

The quick thinking of two workers who were inside a truck when bitumen was poured into it say they are lucky to be alive.

Two Msunduzi Municipality employees nearly ‘melted’ inside their truck after hot asphalt was accidentally poured onto its roof while they were inside.

The incident occurred last Friday morning at an asphalt plant in Copesville, Pietermaritzburg, where the workers had gone to collect bitumen for pothole repairs.

Nkululeko Ngcobo, the driver, and Khethamazwi Nzimande were on duty to collect bitumen from Much Asphalt, which was to be used for patching potholes on York Avenue in Scottsville.

Ngcobo suffered burns to his buttocks, hands and legs, while Nzimande sustained burns to both his hands and legs.

Recalling the frightening ordeal, Ngcobo explains that they had arrived at the site just after 11:00 and were waiting for their turn to collect the bitumen.

“When it was our turn, I waited for the person assisting us to pour the bitumen at the back of the truck. There were two tar funnels, and I was told to stop at the first one.

“However, the second funnel, which was above the truck, was mistakenly opened,” Ngcobo alleges.

He said they heard the sudden sound of asphalt being poured onto the roof.

“The roof collapsed on us immediately, and hot tar started entering the truck through the windows. It was so hot that I quickly put the truck in reverse, but the asphalt had already reached the pedals.

“We managed to escape through the passenger door while the truck was reversing. My door was stuck, and we were burnt, developing blisters. Instantly I thought I was going to melt.”

Ngcobo credited their quick actions for saving their lives.

“If I hadn’t reversed, we wouldn’t have survived. It was a miracle. We are still traumatised and keep having flashbacks. We need counselling to process what happened.”

Ngcobo, who has 16 years of experience in the industry, says this was the first time he has encountered such an incident.

“I am grateful to God and my ancestors for our survival. We do not know where we found the strength to jump out. We are in deep pain, and we want justice. Much Asphalt provided us with first aid before the ambulance arrived.”

Msunduzi Municipality spokesperson Ntobeko Mkhize confirmed the incident.

“The accident occurred at the supplier’s premises, where the employees went to collect tar for pothole patching. The workers are receiving medical care, and an investigation is underway.

“The municipality is following internal processes in line with occupational health and safety policies, and we wish the employees a speedy recovery.”

When approached for comment, a representative of Much Asphalt said the company will only comment once investigations have been completed.

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