Watch: Assassination attempt on Donald Trump during rally

Shots are heard whereafter Trump grabs his ear, which was grazed by a bullet before he falls to the floor for cover.

Chaos erupted after a gunman shot ex-US president Donald Trump while he was speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania yesterday. The incident was caught on camera.

Gunshots can be heard mid-speech before Trump grabs his ear where the bullet grazed him and falls to the ground. His security team covers him moments later.

Before he is led off stage, microphones catch Trump telling his team to wait, whereafter he turns to the crowd and lifts his fist in the air, causing the crowd to erupt in cheer chanting ‘USA! USA!’ as he is led to safety.

The New York Times reports that Trump is safe. However, a spectator in the crowd as well as the gunman were killed during the incident.

The gunman was killed by a sniper, moments after he fired his first shot. The sniper shooting at the gunman was also caught on video.

The incident is being investigated as an assassination attempt according to The New York Times.

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