Stuck in snowstorm: Traveller recounts harrowing experience

After being stuck in the middle of one of the worst snowstorms in recent years, a man from Johannesburg shares his experience and calls for the government to implement better contingency plans.

A desperate situation filled with disarray and despair. That is how one traveller described being stuck on the N3 towards KZN for 24 hours over the past weekend as heavy snowfall disrupted traffic on the major route.

Simphiwe Masiza, founder and CEO of Empowaworx, was on his way from Johannesburg to KZN to attend the funeral of a friend, Rio Nolutshungu, when the unimaginable happened.

“Hundreds of us were stranded in a rare and extreme weather event that left us with little control over our circumstances. While the authorities did respond, the situation quickly became overwhelming, and those of us stuck on the road were left to face harsh conditions with very limited resources,” Masiza recounts.

According to him, snow began falling on Friday afternoon, and within hours, what should have been a normal drive turned into a long, freezing ordeal.

“The N3, a critical highway, was immobilised, and drivers were trapped, unable to move forward or retreat. The snow piled up around us, isolating people in their cars for hours, and for some, a lack of petrol and food made the situation even more desperate.”

Limited communication increased trapped travellers’ anxiety

Msiza says while he understands that the scale of the snowstorm was unprecedented, he feels more could have been done to ensure that people were informed and supported throughout the crisis.

“Emergency workers made appearances, but there was little communication about what to expect, leaving many of us wondering when help would come or how long we’d be stuck.”

He describes the uncertainty he felt during the ordeal as particularly painful.

Simphiwe Masiza. Photo: Supplied

“As the night wore on, we found solace in each other, passing information from car to car. But that small comfort could not ease the growing anxiety. The backlog of vehicles stretched for kilometres, and the cold became unbearable for those unable to keep their engines running.

“It was heartbreaking to see people who were already struggling, families with babies, elderly passengers, and those without access to basic necessities like food and warmth.”

Msiza says as he and countless others waited, news came through that services in surrounding communities were also disrupted, with power and water outages adding to the challenges.

“The situation on the highway mirrored this larger breakdown – the need for assistance was immediate and urgent.”

Travellers ‘left in the dark’

By Saturday evening, there was still little progress in clearing the roads, and while authorities worked hard to address the crisis, Msiza says communication gaps left them in the dark.

“Social media offered some updates, but many on the road had no way of accessing that information. For an event like this, clear, consistent updates should have been provided to everyone stranded.”

Msiza says in times of crisis, an integrated, coordinated response is essential.

“While I appreciate the efforts of the emergency services and the rescue workers, I believe a more robust approach could have been employed, with stronger collaboration between agencies like SANRAL, SAPS, and disaster management. Early communication and preparation would have helped reduce the confusion and discomfort so many of us experienced. The Defence Force were only able to respond on Sunday when the crisis was beginning to ease.”

As Msiza reflects on the 24 hours in the freezing cold, he says he thinks of the families who didn’t have the resources to keep warm or buy food, the vulnerable people left without clear instructions, and the uncertainty he faced.

“This situation highlighted the need for a stronger, more prepared response to extreme weather events in our country.”

A missed chance to say goodbye

Due to him being stuck on the N3, Msiza wasn’t able to attend his friend’s funeral.

“It is also with great sadness that I missed the chance to say goodbye to my friend Rio Nolutshungu, a brilliant leader in local government, whose funeral I was travelling to attend. Missing his burial due to the snowstorm has been a deeply painful loss.”

He says while it’s not always possible to predict the weather, more should be done to prepare for the impact thereof.

“Going forward, we must learn from this experience. We need to ensure that in future emergencies, there is clear communication and swift action to support those in need. Lives depend on it.”

All roads open

Early on Monday morning, the N3 Toll Concession confirmed on X that all routes had been reopened.

They advised motorists to adhere to all road rules and be cautious as roads could still be slippery.

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