Meyerton police officers face disciplinary action after suspects escape by ‘turning into cats’

A suspect, who was also a witness to the disappearing act, claims two fellow suspects made strange ‘owl noises, turned into cats, and escaped while the gate was still locked’.

The Meyerton police are taking disciplinary action against some of their members following an incident where two suspects escaped from custody, reportedly by turning into cats.

The suspects were initially arrested for possession of hijacked goods before they escaped from custody earlier this week.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, according to a leaked statement allegedly sent to Gauteng police commissioner Tommy Mthombeni. It is believed the statement was sent by a Meyerton police official.

The statement says that 11 suspects were arrested for possession of hijacked stolen property found in a truck. It continues: “Two of those suspects disappeared while being processed in the cells. [Two policemen], who were also in the cells, locked themselves in while the suspects were being charged. When it was time to charge the two remaining suspects, brothers known as Mustafa Ali and Omari Mustafa, their names were called but they could not be found.”

According to the leaked report, one of the suspects, whose name is known to this publication, claimed to have witnessed the bizarre transformation. The statement added: “[The suspect who claims to have witnessed the transformation] saw the two suspects make strange ‘owl noises, turn into cats, and escape while the gate was still locked’.

“Upon my arrival with [a warrant officer from Meyerton], we conducted a headcount. Voluntarily, this suspect explained that he saw the suspects turn into cats and escape. A docket of escape from lawful custody was opened.”

The witness was willing to provide a formal statement.

Gauteng police spokesperson Noxolo Kweza has confirmed that one suspect, Omari Mustafa, has since been re-arrested while the other is still at large.

“The circumstances regarding their escape will form part of the investigation,” says Kweza.

Kweza has appealed to anyone who has information about the whereabouts of the other suspect to contact their local police station or the toll-free number 08600 10111.

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