KZN Cabinet takes Msunduzi out of administration

The provincial cabinet believes the municipality showed the capability to deal with issues related to waste management, water and electricity.

The KZN Cabinet has removed the Msunduzi Municipality from the list of provincial councils which have been put under administration for failure to execute their mandate.

In a statement released following its recent meeting, the provincial cabinet said the decision to lift the KZN government’s interventions in Msunduzi came after the municipality had demonstrated the capability to, among other things, deal with issues related to waste management, water and electricity.

“The Provincial Executive Council has resolved to uplift the intervention in terms of Section 139(1)(b) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, at the Msunduzi Local Municipality. This comes after Cabinet noted and welcomed the substantial improvement in resolving six out of eight triggers that previously led to the decision to intervene in the municipality,” the provincial cabinet said.

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