Elections 2024: Late objections considered to ensure election integrity

The IEC has said it will remedy issues and this may include recounts.

With over 99% of election results captured and the end in sight, the IEC has said it will consider late objections to ensure the integrity and transparency of the electoral process.

IEC chairperson Mosotho Moepya said that the objection process is a critical part of their mandate and that the commission will deal with objections until 18:00 today.

“Every concern raised will be considered. We are not going for form over substance. We will look at issues and consider them all to ensure the commission’s integrity.”

He said if valid issues are identified, the IEC will implement proper remedies, which may include recounts.

Moepya said the commission is happy with the positive feedback they heard when listening to political leaders reflect on the elections.

“We are grateful that we have come this far. Don’t be tired; we are not done yet. May God bless this nation.”

Read original story on www.citizen.co.za

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