Elections 2024: EFF will focus on land expropriation and Reserve Bank nationalisation

The EFF are ‘relatives’ of the MK, and will work with them to change legislation to improve the lives of SA’s people – Malema.

EFF party leader Julius Malema made it clear that the amendment of the Constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation within six months of forming a new Parliament, as well as the nationalisation of the South African Reserve Bank, are key conditions when engaging with possible coalition partners.

Malema addressed the media at a press briefing held at the National Results Operations Centre today, and said whatever coalition they form will not reinforce white supremacy and Afrikanerdom.

A few of the remaining coalition principles the EFF demands include the cancellation of historical student debt, the creation of a state-owned pharmaceutical company, and removing Die Stem from the national anthem.

Malema said the 2024 elections marked the end of the ANC’s absolute majority in Parliament, a position he said they misused for the past 30 years. He added that the former ruling party dismally failed to use their majority advantage to change legislation to better the lives of SA’s people.

He told journalists that from now on, Parliament will be better positioned as a true representative of the people and will allow democratic decisions to be taken, rather than to protect the ruling elite.

The drop in the EFF’s results does not worry Malema because he said it is easy to explain. The arrest of former president Jacob Zuma led to disillusioned supporters who migrated to the EFF during the previous election but according to him, Zuma supporters have now found ‘their home’ and showed it by voting for the MK.

While criticising the ANC’s 30-year rule, Malema said the EFF was open to entering into talks with the party, which was now ‘humbled’ by the huge loss in voter confidence they suffered. According to Malema, this will make it easier to work with the party as they can no longer make demands. “They can phone us; we are not going to phone them.”

About the MK, Malema said: “MK, we are relatives; we are together. We will work with the ANC and the MK; we are one with MK. If MK doesn’t want to work with the ANC nationally, and we do, we can still work with them on a provincial level in Natal and Mpumalanga.”

He lambasted Action SA, saying the party had made it clear that they were the enemy of the EFF. Malema said Action SA’s leader, Herman Mashaba, focused his campaign on tarnishing the EFF and neglected to promote his party which, according to Malema, cost him dearly.


Read original story on www.citizen.co.za

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