DA welcomes suspension of Govan Mbeki Municipality’s CFO

The party questions the competency of the CFO.

The Democratic Alliance has welcomed the suspension Mr Bonginkosi Sithole, chief financial officer.

The party said right from the beginning they had concerns about his competency and the legitimacy of his appointment in comparison with other candidates who were more qualified according to the reports that was provided to the council.

Ms Ciska Jordan, DA caucus leader, said since then the finance department of the municipality has been in dire straits, despite assistance of other stakeholders to rejuvenate this department, with the municipality’s debts growing by the day and residents continuously being frustrated with late, exorbitant and irregular municipal accounts.

“The DA has been calling for the suspension and investigation of the CFO since the unwavering attempt of the executive mayor Ms Thandi Ngxonono, to point all fingers towards the suspended municipal manager, Mr Felani Mndebele for financial wrongdoing within the Govan Mbeki Municipality.

“In so-doing attempting to sweep everything else under the rug, finally the pressure we have placed on this council has been bearing fruits.

“Even though we are eager to see the actions being taken against wrongdoing in this municipality, this would not be the first time that the CFO is suspended.

” We hope that this time the municipality would take its own policies and procedures seriously and we look forward to seeing the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings that are now to take its course.

“We hope that truth and justice will prevail against anyone who is found guilty of allowing that that what is meant for the people is not spent on the people.”

The DA is concerned that Ms Ngxonono has reshuffled the mayoral committee while the term for this council is nearing its end.

The party said its concern in light of this reshuffle is exacerbated by disciplinary matters that are causing insecurity within the mayoral committee and the municipality at large.

Ms Jordaan said the mayoral committee has been reshuffled several times, causing discontinuity and disarray in the portfolios that are politically headed by each MMC who now must become reacquainted with his or her portfolio.

“It is unclear whether this reshuffle is brought about by the resignation of former MMC Ethel Nkosi, who is now being promoted by the ANC to be a Member of Parliament in the NCOP.

“The Democratic Alliance is serious about discipline and stability within our party.

“We prioritise excellence in service delivery where we govern and do not promote councillors with controversial and non performative track records to parliament.

“We are astonished that this reshuffle would be a priority for the ANC, while residents of Govan Mbeki are close to giving up on the possibility of service delivery from this ANC-led municipality.”

Read original story on ridgetimes.co.za

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