Alexandra father hopes ‘D-Day’ for son’s killer arrives soon

Thando Khumalo, son of actor and businessman Sipho Masebe, was shot in the back of the head after a road rage incident.

The lack of closure after numerous postponements in sentencing the killer of Thando Khumalo (20) is taking a heavy emotional toll on them says the boy’s family, after he was shot and killed in August 2022.

His killer, currently out on parole with another pending murder case, pleaded guilty in April to murdering Khumalo. Sentencing procedures have been postponed numerous times due to an outstanding report.

Khumalo was fatally shot at close range following an early morning road rage incident as the then Grade 11 learner was returning to his home in Tsutsumani Village after a night out with six of his friends.

He is the adoptive son of renowned Alexandra actor and businessman Sipho Masebe. Masebe adopted Khumalo and his brother after his sister (the boys’ mother) requested him to do so before she died in 2006.

The Khumalo and Masebe families say they have waited long for closure. The incident happened on the corner of 12th Avenue and Hofmeyr Street on August 28, 2022.

On the day, Peter Mphulo Magolego, a well-known socialite in Alexandra, argued with the boys after a driving-related incident. He pulled a gun on the group causing the boys to abandon their car and flee on foot.

Magolego gave chase and caught up with Khumalo and some of his friends. He shot Thando in the back of the head, killing him instantly, while another boy was injured in the leg.

Sentencing was scheduled for July 23 but was postponed for the umpteenth time because of an outstanding social worker report on Magolego. It is now set to happen on September 5.

“I am extremely frustrated and devastated by the non-stop postponements of the sentencing of the murderer,” said Masebe after the latest postponement.

He said the case has been dragging on for years, emotionally draining the family.

“We desperately want to start healing and move on with our lives. We can only do so knowing that the murderer of our son has paid his dues. We want justice for Thando. Seeing him sentenced will finally give us the peace and solace we deserve,” said an emotional Masebe as he visibly fought back tears.

“I cross my fingers that September 5 will be D-Day,” he said.

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