
3 Must-have skin health ingredients in supplements

Understand why these three ingredients are key to winter skin health.

From sun and environmental damage to ageing, genetic conditions, illness and disease – your lifestyle and overall health is always visible in your skin. Fortunately, certain supplements can help to reduce and even improve the effects of environmental and health factors on the skin.

While supplements are not a magic pill that will give you perfect skin instantly, they can be used to treat skin conditions such as acne and actinic keratosis to improve the appearance of the skin from within. Having said that, it is important to remember that supplements are supplementary to a healthy and nutritious diet. 

So, where to start? Getting the right ingredients are key, so look out for these three names when choosing supplements for your skin: 

  • Niacinamide or nicotinic acid amide: A water-soluble and active form of vitamin B3, it is a commonly recommended ingredient to look for in supplements as it is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to effectively treat acne by reducing sebum. It also strengthens the outermost layer of the skin, therefore helping keep moisture locked in.  
  • Vitamin C: It isn’t just good for you in the form of a glass of OJ with breakfast in the morning. Thanks to its brightening properties, vitamin C can help improve the appearance of hyperpigmented skin, as well as improve dull, dehydrated skin.
  • Vitamin D: Most of us are spending more time indoors during winter, so it’s a good idea to boost your vitamin D intake, as a shortage can impact your mood and general wellness, but also your skin’s ability to fend off diseases. It is also known to help prevent premature ageing by regulating the body’s cellular renewal cycles, fight off harmful free radicals, and promote collagen production for improved skin elasticity.

A good starting point is understanding the nature of your specific concern, and then doing some of your own research, as well as consulting with medical experts to find a supplement with ingredients and formulations that are right for you.

TIP: We love Nia-Sol, as it contains nicotinamides, vitamin D3, and an extract of maritime pine bark, which grow in the southwest of France and help improve blood flow, stimulate the immune system, reduce swelling, prevent infections, and have antioxidant effects. It promotes, enhances and maintains skin health and elasticity, helping to protect and improve the internal structure of skin that has been damaged by UV radiation.


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